James Gustave Speth and J. Phillip Thompson III

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The 2024 Republican ticket’s incitement of violence against Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, is revealing in more ways than one.

Former President Donald Trump is growing increasingly deranged, yet the media is asleep at the wheel.

The DC political press have eschewed calling balls and strikes in favor of putting their finger on the scale for former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Since she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has taken a decidedly different tone when talking about her Republican opponents, and the strategy is paying dividends.

This November’s presidential election actually isn’t about which party will control the White House for the next four years, but which party’s ideology will direct the federal judiciary for the next several decades.

The 2024 Republican ticket’s incitement of violence against Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, is revealing in more ways than one.

What Britain needs now is more politics, not more police.

Former President Donald Trump is growing increasingly deranged, yet the media is asleep at the wheel.

The DC political press have eschewed calling balls and strikes in favor of putting their finger on the scale for former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

With regional elections slated this year, and federal elections in 2025, Alternative for Germany poses a very real and immediate political threat.

The DC political press have eschewed calling balls and strikes in favor of putting their finger on the scale for former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Posted 3 weeks 3 days ago

Since she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has taken a decidedly different tone when talking about her Republican opponents, and the strategy is paying dividends.

Posted 1 month 3 weeks ago

With regional elections slated this year, and federal elections in 2025, Alternative for Germany poses a very real and immediate political threat.

Posted 1 month 1 week ago

Former President Donald Trump is growing increasingly deranged, yet the media is asleep at the wheel.

Posted 2 weeks 21 hours ago

The 2024 Republican ticket’s incitement of violence against Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, is revealing in more ways than one.

Posted 21 hours 59 min ago

The DC political press have eschewed calling balls and strikes in favor of putting their finger on the scale for former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

Former President Donald Trump is growing increasingly deranged, yet the media is asleep at the wheel.