The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Police State
Lockdown, USA: Lessons From the Boston Marathon Manhunt
A generalized fear now shapes American society—one that thrives on insecurity, precarity, dread of punishment and concern with external threats.
Small Town’s Drone Ban Sparks Statewide Discussion in Minnesota
St. Bonifacius may be just one square mile in size, but it was the first city in Minnesota to pass a ban on drones, igniting wider debates about the Fourth Amendment and constitutional rights to privacy.
In Moscow, Thousands Rally for 1-Year Anniversary of Anti-Putin Protests
20,000 streamed into Moscow on Monday in remembrance of last year's protests against Vladimir Putin's third presidential term, which resulted in more than 400 arrests.
Homeland Security Has Outspent the New Deal
It's the trillion-dollar concept that no one can define.
Institutionalized Spying On Americans, a History
Big Brother is no longer fiction. It’s official U.S. policy, as manufactured national security threats have come to matter more than fundamental freedoms.
The Golden Rule Of State Violence
One of the cardinal principles of Western elites is that "we" are, by definition, "the good guys" and anyone "we" attack are "the bad guys." The liberal media has its role to play in shoring up public confidence in a discredited, unjust system.
Sandra Steingraber’s Latest Experiment For a Fracking-Free World
The renowned biologist, author and activist was just released from two weeks in jail for blocking the driveway of Inergy Midstream, an energy company in upstate New York that plans to pump fracked gas.
Golden Dawn Food Rally for "Greeks Only" Raises Tensions in Athens
A Hamas-style distribution campaign of food and clothes for the needy has topped the fascist party's outreach program – and increasingly added to its appeal.
How A Giant Private Prison Company Avoids Paying Taxes
To save tens of millions annually that they would have to pay to taxes, the Corrections Corporation of America — which runs 44 private prisons and detention centers across America — is now claiming to be a "Real Estate Investment Trust."
Noam Chomsky: Smoke and Mirrors, or Civil Liberties Under President Obama
Obama's attack on civil liberties go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don't seem easy to explain. He doesn't gain anything from it – he doesn't get any political mileage out of it.