The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Police State
Techtivist Report: Beware the Spy in Spam
Pope Francis had barely donned his new white robes before cybercriminals were targeting his flock with spam emails and social media posts in a bid to suck money out of their bank accounts.
Genocide Trial Opens for Guatemala's Ex-Leader
The trial of General Efrain Rios Montt, 86, the former U.S.-backed de facto president of Guatemala, has begun, spotlighting the killing of 1,800 indigenous people during his country's civil war.
Dying Iraq War Vet’s Message to "War Criminals" Bush and Cheney
Tomas Young, paralyzed in a war he signed up for at age 22, writes of his fury at the "war criminals" who sent him there.
Revealed: The Lyndon Johnson Tapes and the Costs of War
Declassified tapes of President Lyndon Johnson's telephone calls allow us to hear his private conversations as the Democratic Party tore itself apart over the question of Vietnam.
The Shame of America’s Gulag
Until we slay the beast of corporate capitalism, our prison industry and the horror it perpetuates will only expand.
The Latest Victims of Justice Department Overreach
Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer was sentenced Monday to 3.5 years in prison for revealing to the media that AT&T had configured its servers to allow access to iPad owners’ unsecured email addresses.
1 Decade of War = 330,000 Killed, $4 Trillion in Costs
There is no turning the page on the wars of the last decade. The human costs of these conflicts will reverberate for years to come.
Detroit Citizens Prepare to Fight Their Corporate Master
With his appointment of a new emergency financial manager, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is transforming Detroit into an occupied colony within the State.
Ten Years Ago and Today: A Warfare State of Mind
A decade after the invasion of Iraq, don’t expect the vast numbers of media hotshots and U.S. officials who propelled that catastrophe to utter a word of regret.
FBI Surveillance Tool is Ruled Unconstitutional
A California federal court has ruled that a surveillance tool widely used by the FBI to obtain information on Americans without court oversight is unconstitutional.