The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Police State
Brooklyn Rises Up in Protest of Police Shooting
East Flatbush rises up after an unarmed 16-year-old is shot seven times by police.
17 Civilian Drone Facts You Should Really Know
From the defense contractors lobbying the "Drone Caucus" in Congress, to the 40 universities receiving millions in grants for drone research, a $400 billion civilian drone market is ominously preparing for liftoff.
The Security Surveillance State on the Borderland
Fear, corporate profiteering and government expansion characterize the security surveillance state on the U.S. borderland.
Anonymous Hacker to Spend Year in Jail Without Trial
The federal trial against alleged computer hacker Barrett Brown, 31, has been delayed by six months, meaning he'll wait in prison one full year before being tried.
ACLU Launches Nationwide Police Militarization Investigation
The ACLU has launched a nationwide campaign to assess police militarization in the United States.
Jury Finds Occupy Wall Street Protester Not Guilty After Video Contradicts Police Testimony
The first jury trial stemming from an Occupy Wall Street protest resulted in an acquittal, thanks in part to video evidence.