There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Is Monsanto About to Gain Immunity From Federal Law?
A “Monsanto rider” quietly slipped into the 2013 Agricultural Appropriations bill would require the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop - even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed.
#Occupied: Reports From the Front Lines
This week in Occupy, the National Gathering culminated in a gathering at Independence Mall, TPP was exposed as the latest NAFTA/SOPA nightmare, a Romney fundraiser hosted by David Koch was #occupied, and a homeowners bill of rights passed in California.
The Aftermath of Occupy Will Surpass the Gains of 1960s Activism
Every year, a fresh batch of grads leaves college to face poor job prospects. Many will become protesters and fuel the growing movement for economic justice.
Veterans Stand Their Ground at #NatGat
A confrontation between veterans and riot police on Independence Mall this weekend resulted in victory - and patriotic pride.
Crashing David Koch’s party
Two hundred protesters turned up at the conservative baron's Hamptons fundraiser for Mitt Romney.
How to Complete Egypt's Revolution
The Egyptian revolution's fight for life has reached a critical stage: The new president has found himself surrounded by military officials who will not allow him to make a single independent decision. How could this happen?
Declaring Independence
While the aims and parameters of the American Revolution and Occupy Wall Street do not align entirely, there are some striking parallels.
Why is Nobody Freaking Out About the LIBOR Banking Scandal?
The LIBOR manipulation story has exploded into a major scandal overseas.
The Occupy National Gathering is Here
Occupy participants from around the country have converged on Philadelphia for the “National Gathering” June 30 through July 4.
Occupy NatGat Dispatch: The Bank Sleep-in
The highlight of my first day at the Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia was, by far, going to sleep.