It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Protesters Swarm Auckland As Pacific Rim Governments Sign TPP Into Law
By 10:20 a.m. on Thursday, up to 1,000 protesters were at the Sky City Convention Centre. Their aim? Disrupt proceedings for as long as possible, and by late morning they were succeeding in shutting down large parts of the capital.
Government’s Newest Trade Deal Is PPP: Poison the Population for Profit
Incidences of poisoned water, not isolated to Flint, are snowballing into a colossal emblem of government's prioritization of corporate interests and profit over the basic health and human rights of citizens.
Flint Water Crisis: Michigan Officials Ignored E.P.A. Warnings About Toxicity, Expert Advice Dismissed
The federal agency warned of an unfolding toxic water crisis in Flint but was “met with resistance” by Michigan authorities, a fiery congressional hearing into the city’s public health disaster revealed Wednesday.
Big Pharma Execs Express Worry About Presidential Candidates Demanding Reform
Responding to tough talk by presidential candidates about price gouging by drug companies, pharmaceutical executives have told investors that they are working actively to influence the political debate.
California Attorney General Sues Utility for Methane Leak As Study Reveals Dire Climate Costs
The civil suit accuses Southern California Gas of violating state health and safety laws when it failed to promptly control the release of 80,000 metric tons of methane, a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Fight for $15 Takes On Campus Wages, Elevates Role of Universities In Labor Activism
Students at about 20 U.S. colleges, including Columbia, Northeastern and San Francisco State, are mounting campaigns demanding better pay for all campus workers.
“Hide Your Brightness, Bide Your Time”: China in the Age of Global Governance, Part II
China and other emerging economies, frustrated by their lack of representation in global financial decision-making, could potentially create their own parallel institutions and, in the long term, construct a parallel or opposing economic system altogether.
Seattle Becomes 6th U.S. City To Sue Monsanto Over Toxic Contamination
The complaint filed last week in a U.S. District Court alleges the biotech giant knew its PCBs were polluting the environment and causing harm to people and wildlife.
Purchasing A President: Nearing $1 Billion, White House Race Eclipses Anything Previous
The presidential campaign is now a super PAC-fueled arms race where almost everyone has a money bomb – half the cash raised so far came from those groups, which have no contribution limits.
Low Wages, Rising Rents: Why California Workers Can’t Afford A Roof Over Their Head
According to the California Housing Partnership Corporation, a combination of falling incomes and high rents is driving the worst rental-housing crisis in California since World War II.