It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Vodafone Reveals Existence of Secret Wires that Allow State Surveillance
Wires allow agencies to listen to or record live conversations, in what privacy campaigners are calling a nightmare scenario.
Anti-Monarchy Protests Grip Madrid As Spaniards Call for Referendum on Royals
Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Madrid on Saturday to demand a referendum to abolish Spain's monarchy, just days after King Juan Carlos abdicated in favor of his son.
Petition In Brazil Demands Protestor Civil Rights Ahead of World Cup Kickoff
Amnesty International has asked for stricter regulations on the use of aggressive weapons like tear-gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray as well as techniques such as kettling during the global soccer event.
Revealed: Egyptian Society Outraged By New Social Media Surveillance Program
The new plan expands the security forces' reach and reveals a return to a police state in Egypt.
Join The Rolling Rebellion for Real Democracy
Week Of Protests Across the Nation, July 5th to July 12th, Against the Corruption of Democracy
Hunger Games Salute Being Used to Protest Thai Military Coup
Groups opposing Thailand's May 22 military coup have been banned from displaying three fingers in the air as the junta clamps down on protest.
"Walmart Moms" Walk Off In 20 Cities Demanding Better Pay and Conditions
Strikes in 20 cities come as new report says top Walmart bosses received $104 million in taxpayer subsidies over six years.
Why Californians Are Paying Double – In Interest to the Banks
The Bay Bridge retrofit was slated to cost $6.3 billion, but with interest and fees, taxpayers will shell out over $12 billion - indicative of a trend in the Golden State.
Recognition, Representation, Redistribution: "A Precariat Charter" for Systemic Change
Guy Standing's new book provides a timely framework to analyze Europe's rightward populist shift while offering specific proposals to move us beyond our current socio-economic crises.
Remembering the Subcomandante: Zapatista Leader Ignited Legacy of Resistance
The radical indigenous movement that began 20 years ago in Chiapas, Mexico, gave global resistance a new language and a new paradigm for action.