There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Four Reasons Why Corporations Owe Us – and One Way to Pay
Because corporations have used our resources — research, infrastructure, environment, educational and legal systems — to develop technologies that have gradually reduced the need for human involvement, we all deserve to benefit.
Maple Spring: The Red Square Movement Returns As Anti-Austerity Protests Heat Up In Quebec
Quebec's militant student actions have resulted in the lowest costs for post-secondary education in North America – and it has also meant less debt for young people entering a stagnant economy.
This is Not a Democracy: How the 1 Percent Rigged the Game
Money is speech and dollars have more influence than people. It's time to be honest about the plutocracy we live in.
How the "Flood Wall Street" Trial Changed the Game Of Policing
By ordering protesters to leave the entire Wall Street area, police violated protesters’ First Amendment right to carry their message directly to its intended recipients: the Wall Street bankers who bankroll climate change, a judge ruled.
Destroying the Greek Economy In Order To Save It
Blackmail is an understatement of what the Troika is doing to Greece, where European authorities are using dirty tactics to bring the Mediterranean country to heel.
Why Indiana's "Religious Freedom" Law is Great News for Student Debtors
There’s now an easy solution for all student debtors who are locked into a lifetime of debt with ever-increasing interest: Become a Christian and move to Indiana. Hallelujah!
The London School of Economics Occupation Is the Latest In A Growing Wave of Student Revolts
Student occupations are spreading across the U.K., ignited by Occupy LSE, a student-staff takeover that began on March 17 at the London School of Economics.
A Wave of Disruption Is Sweeping In To Challenge Neoliberalism
An emerging relationship between the state and a commons-based civil society is starting to challenge the narrow thinking of the U.K.’s main political parties
Defeating the Billionaires: Answer Koch Money with People Power
Only by pooling resources do voters stand a chance – and in cities, towns and rural districts across America, grassroots community groups are already fighting to ensure that their voices are heard.
Wikileaks Releases Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Investment Chapter
The classified document, which was supposed to be kept secret for four years, highlights the creation of a supra-national court where foreign firms can "sue" states and obtain taxpayer compensation for "expected future profits."