There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Planet Plutocrat: The Crony-Capitalism Index
Through rent-seeking, graft and everyday corruption, billionaires in crony sectors have had a great century so far.
What Really Happened When FBI Agents Gunned Down Ibragim Todashev?
Contradictory evidence abounds in the fatal 2013 shooting of Todashev, a friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Exclusive: Taiwan Occupation Turns Into "Sunflower Revolution"
The occupation of Taiwan's parliament entered its second week as student protestors prepared to meet President Ma Ying-jeou and demand he halt a potentially devastating trade pact with China.
Why Seattle Is Marching To a $15 Beat
While the federal government mulls a wholly inadequate minimum wage of $10.10, Seattle is poised for $15.
Lawsuit Alleges Wells Fargo Systematically Fabricated Foreclosure Docs
A federal lawsuit may have unearthed a smoking gun about systematic document fabrication at Wells Fargo.
"Economics of the 1%": Exposing Econfakers and Alchemists of Finance
In his new book, John F. Weeks looks at society caught in the deceptive spell of neoclassical thinking – what he calls "fakeeconomics" – but suggests that a turnaround might be possible.
Egyptian Court Issues Mass Death Sentence to 529 Morsi Supporters
More than 500 supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi were sentenced to death in a trial critics say lacked due process.
Oakland To Pay Out $4.5 Million To Occupy Protester Scott Olsen
Iraq War veteran and Occupy Oakland protester Scott Olsen will receive a $4.5 million settlement from the city of Oakland after being hit and critically injured by a beanbag round to the head in 2011.
Massive Anti-Austerity Protest In Spain As Hundreds of Thousands “March for Dignity”
Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid on Saturday to protest E.U.-imposed austerity.
Why Free Higher Education Is a Human Right – Even in America
How can we deny a higher education to any young person in this country just because she or he can’t afford it?