It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Our Water, Our Future: Small Oregon Town Fights Back Against Another Nestle Water Grab
For years, local activists have been fighting to keep Nestlé, the world’s largest water bottler, from building a bottling facility on the magnificent Columbia River Gorge, essentially privatizing a public resource. Now you can help them in that battle.
In Scotland, People Demand "Banks for the Common Good" to Overthrow Multinationals
A coalition of social justice groups in the U.K. looks at the economic and ecological dangers of corporate mega banks and mounts an argument for democratic reform.
TPP Under Fire in the U.S. As Other Countries Advance Towards Ratification
As the leading presidential candidates compete for who can bash U.S. trade policies the hardest, other countries have been pressing the gas on the secret controversial trade deal.
10 Huge Drug Rip-Offs – And Big Pharma's Campaign to Keep on Price-Gouging
When did you become aware of the obscene prices the pharmaceutical industry is charging for drugs?
Disabled Activists Occupy Parliament As UK Government Looks "White and Rattled"
The high-profile protest is against the U.K. government’s latest assault on the disabled – which features plans to cut £30 per week from Personal Independence Payments.
California Governor Announces Landmark $15 Minimum Wage Deal
“It’s a matter of economic justice, it makes sense, and it will help our entire state do much better for its citizens,” said Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday, marking the largest victory to date of the national Fight for $15 movement.
Three Times When the World Broke Open – and Two When It Might Again
Social change is seldom as incremental or predictable as many insiders suggest — by turning issues considered both unrealistic and politically inconvenient into matters that can no longer be ignored, they champion the impractical.
Organizing Power: Fight for $15 To Join Chicago Teachers Union In April 1 Strike
This Friday will be the first time fast-food workers strike at the same time as teachers, as the Fight for $15 movement teams up with the Chicago Teachers Union in a one-day walk-out.
What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?
Both Democrats and Republicans face a crisis of leadership and ideology, as well as a great opportunity for reinvention – whichever party first reinvents itself successfully will begin winning elections the way the Democrats did in the 1932-1968 era.
Rockefeller Family Charity To Withdraw All Investments In Fossil Fuel Companies
A fund of the multi-billion dollar Rockefeller family said it would divest from all fossil fuel holdings “as quickly as possible" – singling out ExxonMobil, the world’s largest oil company, which it called “morally reprehensible.”