It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
What Role Were You Born To Play In Social Change?
Moyer, who became best known for identifying eight stages of successful social movements, called the Movement Action Plan, envisioned a proliferation of groups each maximizing their strength while supporting a broad movement unity.
The Road From Paris: How to Finance a Trillion-Dollar Climate Change Transition
Changing the way the world is powered means big spending – and huge investment opportunities – with energy finance models suggesting clean power investments need to rise by an additional 75 percent, to $12.1 trillion, in the next 25 years.
Money Managers for Mankind? China in the Age of Global Governance, Part III
If war and hostilities between the great powers are to be avoided, the future of global capitalism may well rely on a combination of Western markets and institutions backed up by totalitarian institutions like the regime in Beijing.
Latino Lives Matter: Stop Ignoring the Police Killings of Latinos In America
Few police shootings of Latinos make national headlines – a lack of attention and outrage that stems from a poor understanding of the history of state violence against them in the U.S.
Why Britain’s Housing Crisis Heralds the Next Financial Crash
Housing prices in London have risen by 50% in the last five years – and when the UK property bubble goes boom, it will be proportionally bigger than the U.S. housing bust at the onset of the financial crisis in 2007.
T.T.I.P. Off: German Judges Issue Slap In the Face to Transatlantic Corporate Trade Deal
The German Magistrates Association (DRB) last week dealt a major blow to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, as judges said special courts allowing firms to sue countries were unnecessary and "had no legal basis."
The Pipeline Strikes Back: The Audacity of TransCanada's $15 Billion Suit Against America
The Canadian oil giant is suing under the provisions of NAFTA because the U.S. rejected the Keystone pipeline – and demanding an amount that would cover annual community college tuition costs for nearly five million U.S. students.
The Solutions Are At Hand: Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons
Fascinating, creative initiatives around the world – from co-operative finance and crowdequity schemes to alternative currencies and reclaiming the public's control over money-creation – are emerging to strengthen the commons.
Seattle's Soaring Rents Are Fueling Homeless Crisis As More Move To the Street
Housing costs are skyrocketing in Seattle – up 12% for a family home in the last year – and a 2012 study in the Journal of Urban Affairs showed that an increase of $100 in median rents results in a 15% increase in the homeless population.
Michael Moore: 10 Things They Won’t Tell You About the Flint Water Tragedy, But I Will
The media, which came to the story so late, can only process so much – but if you live in Flint or the State of Michigan as I do, you know all too well that what the greater public has been told about the water crisis only scratches the surface.