It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
DC Court Ruling Helps Preserve Historic West Virginia Labor Battle Site from Coal Mining
The Blair Mountain Battlefield was the scene of a 5-day clash in September 1921 between more than 5,000 West Virginia coal miners and 3,000 men backed by coal companies – the largest armed labor conflict in US history.
How Crowdfunding and the Share Economy Are Growing Sustainable Food Systems
FarmDrop and Open Food Network stress the desire to create positive, systemic social change that disrupts the existing dominance of supermarket provision of food.
Pay To Play: Whose Presidential Campaign Will Your Pension Finance?
Republicans are arguing that Wall Street should have the constitutional right to influence politicians and the investment decisions those politicians make on behalf of pension funds and pensioners.
Six Vital Conversations Jumpstarted on the Streets of Ferguson
As the outrage in Ferguson takes on new forms and becomes less openly confrontational, the shooting of Michael Brown has started a nationwide dialogue about race, class and American law enforcement.
Voting Yes: Radical Independence for a Democratic, Green and Just Scotland
The vote on Independence is a moment of unprecedented possibility for Scotland to peacefully reject the U.K.'s failed neoliberal agenda.
Voice, Vigor, Vote: Retaking People's Democracy From Monied Interests
Grassroots organizations that once made American democracy strong plummeted in the Reagan era – when political parties stopped representing the views of constituents and turned instead to money.
Four Reasons America’s Solar Revolution Is Winning – And Has Only Just Begun
One exciting driver behind the surge in rooftop solar systems has been the plummeting costs – along with the innovative ways people are getting solarized.
How California's “Kill Switch” Law on Cell Phones Could Be Used to Disrupt Protests
The California bill signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown this week allows government to disrupt communications under certain guidelines – but includes an “emergency” exception that requires no independent approval.
Media In Rebellion: 65 Groups Tell F.C.C. to Reject Comcast-Time Warner Merger
Representing consumers, content producers, and social justice and democracy reform advocates, this dozens-strong alliance called on the Federal Communications Commission to reject the mega media merger.
Show Me the America That Has Forgotten About Wall Street's Foreclosure Fraud
If we want a healthy society that follows its laws and applies them equally to everyone, we must demand a full investigation and criminal prosecutions for everyone involved in the mortgage backed securities fiasco.