It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
How Big Dairy Pushed Fattier Milks into U.S. Schools
The Trump administration has worked closely with the dairy lobby, allowing fattier, sweeter drinks’ reintroduction to American schools despite heavy opposition.
Public Workers’ Trump Card
Never underestimate the power of airport delays to arouse the nation. If there’s no border security agreement this time around, the controllers won’t work another 35 days without pay.
Occupy the Super Bowl: Atlanta's School System Suffers As Football Fever Reigns
Atlanta's public school personnel face a bleak economic future while the city is guaranteeing hundreds of millions of dollars for its Super Bowl host site.
Warren’s Push for a Wealth Tax Could Be a Game Changer
Warren’s proposal would levy a modest annual tax on the 75,000 wealthiest households in the country — or roughly the top 0.1 percent.
Rebel Cities 19: Gdansk's Murdered Mayor Was Leading the Polish Charge Against Fascism pays tribute to Pawel Adamowicz by focusing on Gdansk's citizens' assemblies that he was instrumental in helping to build – and which he saw as a democratic tool to facilitate democracy in Poland and beyond.
Trump EPA Won't Limit 2 Toxic Chemicals In Drinking Water
The EPA's decision means that two toxic chemicals contaminating millions of Americans' tap water will remain unregulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Free Speech, Hassan Nasrallah and Other Victims of Internet Censorship
Companies like Facebook and Google do the bidding of the U.S. government by censoring "dangerous" sites. But at what point do the tech giants themselves represent a proto-fascist danger to free speech?
Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know about the U.S.-Led Coup
Two things stand out about the U.S. coup in Venezuela: It is unusually open, and the coup is built on a series of obvious falsehoods. Yet the bi-partisans in Washington, with a few exceptions, keep repeating them.
Striking Los Angeles Teachers Won Big. Here's What Their Victory Means.
The successful L.A. teachers strike helps move the balance of power in California and nationally toward public education, and against both austerity and the privatization of education through charter schools.
The New Language of Climate Change
Scientists and meteorologists on the front lines of the climate wars are testing a new strategy to get through to the skeptics and outright deniers.