There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
US Dollar Dominance and the Coming Crisis In Emerging Markets
The Fed's quantitative easing program channeled trillions of dollars out of advanced and into emerging market economies – laying the groundwork for an even bigger, meaner financial crisis that will extend across all economies, great and small.
Border Patrol Agent Indicted In Fatal Shooting of Mexican Teenager
Federal authorities have charged U.S. Border Patrol agent Lonnie Swartz with second degree murder for killing 16-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez in a cross-border shooting, under the claim that he had been throwing rocks.
Martin Shkreli Is An Example Of Why We Need Publicly Funded Pharmaceutical Research
Facing national outrage, the 32-year-old CEO backed down from the 5000% price increase his company announced this week for the malaria and toxoplasmosis drug Daraprim, sparking an overdue debate about the outlandish cost of life-saving medicines.
Mayan People's Movement Defeats Monsanto Law in Guatemala
Indigenous people joined by social movements, trade unions and farmer and women’s organizations won a victory when Congress repealed legislation protecting Monsanto's GMO plant varieties in the Central American country.
The Sustainable Development Goals: A Siren and Lullaby for Our Times
The inequality goal allows current trends of income concentration to increase until 2029 before they start to decline – and totally ignores the structure of an economic system that creates inequality.
Occupiers In London Meet Violent Police Response During Mass Eviction
Housing activists who were protesting the eviction of families took to the roofs Wednesday as enforcement officers used battering rams in an operation to remove them from housing estate.
Climate Movement Momentum: Carbon Divestments Top $2.6 Trillion As Hillary Rejects Keystone XL
A new report shows the fossil fuel divestment movement has grown 50-fold in one year, with more than 400 institutions and 2,000 individuals pledging to dump carbon stocks – news that complemented Clinton's promise to oppose the tar sands pipeline.
A Pyrrhic Victory In Greece: Why Tsipras's Re-Election Means "Austerity With a Human Face"
Skyrocketing abstention from voting, social demobilization and an impending wave of harsh austerity measures call for critical reflection after Syriza’s "pragmatic" win at the polls.
A Spoilt Deal: How a Dispute Over Dairy Helped Sidetrack the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The dispute between Canada and New Zealand hinges on Canada's supply management system, which features high tariffs on imports and no subsidies for farmers, keeping the price of Canada's milk products high while New Zealand's are low.
Using Collective Muscle, Here's How We Free U.S. Cities from Wall Street Control
Financial fees are sucking cities and states dry – but they can change the terms if they band together and bargain collectively over interest rates and other financial deals peddled to them by Wall Street.