There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Chilean Activist And Artist Sets Fire To $500 Million Worth Of Student Debt
A heap of ashes is allegedly all that remains of $500 million in “pagarés” — or debt papers — stolen and burned by Chilean activist Francisco Tapia.
Reset The Net: We’re Not Asking For Online Privacy – We’re Taking It Back
A broad-based coalition of online freedom organizations, Internet companies and advocacy groups have issued a call to "Reset the Net" on June 5, the anniversary of the Snowden leaks.
Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
For the first time, the founder of an encrypted email startup that was supposed to insure privacy for all reveals how the FBI and the U.S. legal system made sure we don't have the right to much privacy in the first place.
Under the Pavement Is Oil, And Above Ground Brews Resistance
Creative protests in this city have raised awareness and inspired a growing opposition to the Trans Mountain Pipeline – presenting lessons for others across Canada and the U.S. to follow.
What 60 Years of Political Gerrymandering Looks Like
Redistricting is one of the biggest threats to our democracy.
Cecily McMillan’s "Law Of Love" Suffers U.S. Injustice
The judge may have intended to send a message to those who dissent – and instead may have created a powerful messenger of dissent.
As Fracking Steams Ahead In Ohio, Regulations and Public Safety Take a Back Seat
Gas drilling is booming and toxic waste is abundant in the state, where legislators have acted modestly to address growing health and environmental concerns.
Here's The Painful Truth About What It Means To Be "Working Poor" In America
More than 7 percent of American workers fall below the federal poverty line, and the Americans who earn well above the official poverty line can still barely stay afloat.
Migrants and Supporters March Across Europe Demanding Asylum Policy Reforms
Asylum seekers are risking arrest as they cross borders during the multi-week march, which comes before right wing, anti-immigrant parties expect to make unprecedented gains in European Parliamentary elections.
How the Nonprofit-Industrial Complex Helps the Oligarchy Keep Money In Politics
The oligarchy loves it when the movement is divided against itself, because it distracts the movement from the true cause while the oligarchy is free to pillage and profit.