We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Occupy Homes: One Year on and Growing Daily
Building on a year filled with eviction blockades, house takeovers and singing auction blockades, the anniversary of Occupy Homes demonstrated that the group was still committed to risking arrest to keep people sheltered.
Memo to Congress: Cut the Crap About Capitalism
Capitalism as it is used in the current lexicon of extreme partisan politics in Congress has nothing to do with economics.
5 More Years of Warrantless Wiretapping from the U.S. Government
Welcome to 2013: Congress has pushed through a reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, extending the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program for another five years.
U.S. Tax Avoidance is Astronomical — $3 Trillion a Year and Rising
If tax avoidance is legal it’s because the people with money have redefined "legal." Through subsidies, schemes and sweet deals, the wealthiest Americans are only soaring higher as middle-class workers are deprived of their earned benefits.
Obama Spends More on Immigration Than on All Federal Agencies—Combined
The Obama administration spent nearly $18 billion on immigration enforcement last year.
Letter to the Director: "Zero Dark Thirty" is an Apology for Torture
By peddling the lie that CIA detentions led to Bin Laden's killing, you have become a Leni Riefenstahl-like propagandist of torture.
How the Progressive Caucus has Enabled Obama’s Rightward Moves
The failure of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to stand up to President Obama on many vital matters of principle is one of the most important – and least mentioned – political dynamics of this era.
AIG Investors Break the World Record for Arrogance
The shareholders of AIG, the giant insurance company the Federal Reserve bailed out with $180 billion, are considering suing the federal government for rescuing their company from collapse.
Why the FCC's Media Consolidation Scheme is a Bad Idea
The FCC's plan to relax the newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership ban will hurt media diversity.
The Digital Disruption: Technology and Economics for the 99%
Only by ending the corporate market system can the 99% create a new system based on use-value - value for actual human needs - and enable us to use the full capabilities of technology to sustain human life.