It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Justice Department Memo Reveals Legal Case for Drone Strikes on Americans
A confidential Justice Department memo concludes that the U.S. government can order the killing of American citizens, even if there is no intelligence indicating they are engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S.
Vast Oilfield Within Reach and the Battle Heats Up
The thirst for Monterey Shale, which could represent the future of California’s oil industry, is producing conflict between drillers and environmental interests wary of hydraulic fracturing.
Meet the Contractors Turning America's Police Into a Paramilitary Force
L3 Communications embodies the totality of the national security and surveillance state. Harris Corporation and B12 are also companies whose highly developed spy technology threatens our civil liberties.
In Maine, Ethics Bill Would Slam Shut the Revolving Door
Legislation to make it unlawful for state officials to leave their jobs and immediately go to work for industries they regulated – the so-called “revolving door” – is one of the ethics bills to be debated in the Maine legislature this session.
Idle No More: From Grassroots to Global Movement
For First Nations people, Bill C-45 introduced last fall by the Harper government represents the culmination of hundreds of years of colonial attacks on indigenous sovereignty -- a sovereignty that is fundamentally tied to the use of treaty lands.
Guatemala's Communities in Resistance Continue to Blockade Gold Mine
A woman’s spontaneous act of civil disobedience quickly grew into a community-based, peaceful resistance movement where men, women and children have spent 24 hours a day, seven days a week for over 10 months blockading a mine.
The Argument for Amnesty: An Immigration Policy That Works for All
What is needed is an immigration policy that will raise the living standards of all workers. Amnesty, which was the original demand of the immigrant rights movement, would do this.
Our Climate Madness: "Like Exploding 400,000 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs Per Day"
Anyone who is 27 years old or younger has never lived through a month that was colder than the global 20th century average.
O'Reilly Argues With Both Colin Powell and the Facts on Voter Suppression
In an interview with former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly ignored key legal problems for photo voter ID laws and dismissed concerns of voter suppression.
Do As We Say, Congress Says, Then Does What It Wants
Congress exempts itself from a number of laws that apply to the private sector and the executive branch.