The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Britain’s Widening Wealth Inequality Demands Sweeping Reform, Report Says
Britain needs to make extensive changes to recover from its economy's failings, rising inequality and the destructive inheritance of the financial crisis, according to a new report.
Rebel Cities 15: Municipalism In Venezuela Offers A Pathway Beyond Authoritarianism
Venezuela has more than 1,000 communes – like El Maizal, with its cooperative of 2,000 farmer families – but they face opposition from Venezuela's politicians and elites.
Blue Wave of Money Propels 2018 Election to Record-Breaking $5.2 Billion In Spending
The estimated cost of the 2018 election would represent a 35 percent increase over the 2014 cycle in nominal dollars, the largest increase in at least two decades.
“Our Thoughts and Prayers”: A Pro-Gun Politician's Invocation
Oh Heavenly Father, give us the strength to stand steadfast against the tide of hellacious polls that show overwhelming support for background checks and a ban on military grade weapons.
Halt to Youth Climate Lawsuit Inspires Nationwide Resistance
The 21 youth plaintiffs of the case Juliana v. United States have been joined by thousands across the country to “keep our government accountable for the effects of climate change.”
Missouri Shows Why Healthcare Plays A Major Role In Next Week's Elections
Recent polling in Missouri – where Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is fighting to defend her seat – shows healthcare is at the top of the list of issues that voters care about.
America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Deepening
More than half a million people in the United States are homeless on any given night, and with housing prices rising and wages stagnant, the problem will only keep getting worse.
No More Crime and Punishment: The National Prison Strike of 2018, Part II
Perhaps the biggest problem to tackle in the criminal justice system is why so many people have been incarcerated to begin with.
Rising Antisemitism Worldwide Boils Over at Pittsburgh Synagogue
The deadliest assault on Jews in U.S. history follows a 57% increase in antisemitic incidents in 2017.
The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Tyranny or Revolution
I lived among the wealthiest Americans. They knew only how to take. They could not give. They were deformed and deeply unhappy people in the grip of an unquenchable narcissism.