There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
The Frack Rebellion Is Now: Breaking the Law In Order To Uphold It
These activists are waging a war against a corporate state that is deaf and blind to the rights of its citizens and the imperative to protect the ecosystem – and they're being monitored, demonized and criminalized in the process.
A Law Abused: Why Dodd-Frank Is Killing Off Community Banks
The legislation was supposed to end "too big to fail" and promote financial stability, but Dodd-Frank’s “orderly liquidation authority” has replaced bailouts with bail-ins and threatens the existence of banks with assets under $1 billion.
Who's Burning Black Churches in St. Louis?
There’s a long history of terrorism against black churches in America, one that begins in the era of slavery and continues up through Reconstruction, the civil-rights era, and into the 1990s – but the recent arsons have been slow to get attention.
Bernie Sanders's Highly Sensible Plan to Turn Post Offices Into Banks
Postal banking is common worldwide, and is a good way to reach people who don't have access to standard savings accounts.
When the IMF Meets: Here's What Happened At the Global Plutocracy’s Pow Wow in Peru
At closed-door events on the sidelines of the conference, a select group of government and monetary officials from the G7 and G20 nations wined and dined with bankers and the global financial elite at decadent dinners and lavish parties.
E.U. Rules Starbucks and Fiat Tax Deals Illegal – Companies Must Pay "Fair Share"
The bigger impact lies ahead for global corporations whose strategies to avoid tax are under attack on various fronts from cash-strapped governments.
Pay Up Or Go To Jail: How A Mississippi Town Resurrected the Debtors' Prison
A poor single mother is seeking justice against the city of Biloxi after she was imprisoned for not paying $400 in court fees.
The Drone Papers, Part V: Target Africa
The U.S. military has engaged in a largely covert effort to extend its footprint across East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula with a network of mostly small and low-profile camps, some of which serve as staging areas for quick-reaction forces.
Can Rent Control Make A Comeback In Priced-Out Northern California?
Richmond, infamous for its troubled oil refinery, becomes ground zero in the fight for affordable housing in the Bay Area.
Canada Lurches Left As Justin Trudeau Victory Ends Neo-Conservative Era
Like the surge of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary in the U.S. and the nomination of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the U.K., Canada’s election of a Liberal government under Justin Trudeau signals a sea change.