The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Breaking Free: 12 Days of Protest Open a Summer of Environmental Discontent
Global international actions this month aimed at halting fossil fuel extraction have ranged from North America to Nigeria to New Zealand and the message throughout is clear: we must act urgently to end humanity’s reliance on coal, oil and gas.
Leaks In Depth: New Database Reveals Thousands of Secret Offshore Companies
The searchable database published Monday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists displays more than 300,000 entities from the Panama Papers and Offshore Leaks investigations.
The Rich Have You Beat in Retirement, Too
The best-paid U.S. workers are on track for 11 times more money than the lowest-paid.
The TTIPing Point: German Protests Threaten Trans-Atlantic Trade Deal
Unprecedented protests of a scope not seen since the Iraq war in Germany have pushed negotiations over the Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement to a TTIPing point – and what some call the brink of collapse.
Why A Brexit Would Make Working People Worse Off In Britain
Ordinary working people will pay the price for a Brexit – with the cost of energy bills likely to increase £500 per family per year, car manufacturing and farming jobs being lost, and the hospitality and leisure industries taking a severe hit.
This California Bill Would Make Is Easier To Invest in Local Farms, Energy and Business
The California Local Economies Securities Act aims to make it possible for small farms, agricultural land trusts, coops, nonprofits with business income, and renewable energy systems to raise capital without going through a costly permitting process.
How Payday Lenders Are Beating Back Reform in Alabama
The payday loan industry has made sure Alabama lawmakers are swimming in dirty cash and consistently stifling reform.
Keep It In the Ground: These 10 Victories Show A Growing, Winning Climate Movement
Cancelled pipelines. Rejected terminals. Shelved lease sales. Here are just a few of the polluting projects that have been squashed in the face of mounting public opposition and a burgeoning cry to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies"
A group of more than 2,000 physicians is calling for the establishment of a government-run universal healthcare system in the US, saying the Affordable Care Act didn't go far enough in removing barriers to healthcare access.
College Would Be Free In America If Corporations Paid Reagan-Era Taxes
Big businesses paid an effective tax rate of nearly 32 percent during Reagan’s eight years in office, but under Obama they have enjoyed paying just 22.8 percent – the average annual difference coming out to around $166 billion in corporate profit.