It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
As Scotland Vote Nears, Fragmentation and Sharp Disunity In A U.K. That Isn't So United
Britain’s political system is broken to the point where many people in Northern England actually want to join Scotland to escape austerity measures.
San Francisco's Living Wage Movement Unveils New "Workers Bill of Rights"
The city's labor-friendly bills, recently introduced by progressive city supervisors, would give part-time employees the opportunity to work more hours with greater predictability from one week to the next.
Primer for NYC Protests: How We're Broadening and Sharpening the Climate Justice Movement
In addition to speaking with a common voice on climate justice and the policies needed to achieve it, today's "movement of movements" needs to reach beyond environmentalists.
World Bank Warns of Global Jobs Crisis
An extra 600 million jobs need to be created worldwide by 2030 just to cope with an expanding population.
Veronica Noriega’s Hunger Strike in Seattle: What it Means For Immigrants and All of Us
Veronica Noriega is putting herself on the line for thousands of families, and this is why you should care.
Big Banks Fined Mega-Billions; CEOs Remain Above the Law
Get arrested for robbing a bank or shoplifting and you will go to prison. But if you are a CEO of one of the biggest banks in America, the Justice Department will give you a free pass.
The Road to Serfdom: Connecting Detroit, Argentina and Greece
If you want to fully understand the game at play in the bankruptcies and privatization of public assets in Detroit, Argentina, and Europe, play Monopoly.
What Will It Take To Create Climate Justice?
There's still a long way to go to stop the division in the environmental movement and get traditional groups to treat climate change as an urgent disaster for which real solutions – not false compromises – are needed.
Netflix, Reddit, Kickstarter Join Sept. 10 Internet Slowdown for Net Neutrality
On Wednesday, top U.S. startups along with Internet activist organizations will add widgets to their sites that display the dreaded "loading" wheel one might see when trying to watch a video over a slow connection.
Stop and Seize: How Aggressive Police Are Bilking Hundreds of Millions from Innocent Motorists
Thousands of people have been forced to fight legal battles that can last more than a year to get their money back since private police-training firms helped make “highway interdiction” the norm.