It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
U.S. Seed Libraries Mobilize to Protect Right to Share
Despite an arguably incorrect interpretation of Pennsylvania law, states are now considering adopting its seed library protocol – threatening to kill a fast growing seed library movement.
Price Gouging, Regulatory Capture and Scandal In America's Markets
America’s agonizingly slow recovery from the last recession is unlike any of the 32 previous business cycles of economic expansion and contraction, going back 160 years.
Cuomo Administration Edited and Delayed Fracking Study
The report, commissioned by New York state in 2011, was going to result in a number of politically inconvenient truths for the governor.
Walmart, World's Largest Company, Cuts Healthcare to 30,000 Employees
The retail behemoth gave lawmakers a lesson in economics Tuesday when it disclosed it would no longer offer health insurance to tens of thousands of part-time employees.
Top Five Bank Bailouts We Never Heard About
What may be the most egregious behind-the-scenes bailouts were a series of settlements with the big banks for blatant wrongdoing – structured so that they could write the penalties off their tax bills.
Tens of Thousands March in Mexico Demanding Action Over Missing Students
In Guerrero state, site of the disappearance of 43 students who protested against school reforms, 50,000 demonstrators took to the streets with some 7,000 blocking a highway to Acapulco.
"Unstoppable" Homeowners Fight Mortgage and Foreclosure Fraud In Los Angeles
"We cannot give up, not now, not tomorrow, not until real changes come – we
Twitter Sues U.S. Government Over Surveillance Disclosure Rules
The social media giant filed suit Tuesday against the Department of Justice and FBI, saying it's been "unconstitutionally restricted by statutes that prohibit and even criminalize" information disclosure.
Republican Senator Challenges Treasury Over Bank of America’s No-Bid Prison Deal
Bailed-out bank has been paid at least $76 million to manage inmates’ accounts and oversee e-messaging and phone services inside the 121 facilities managed by the Bureau of Prisons.
Classmates of Missing Mexico Students Vow "Radical Action"
Forty-three students were allegedly “disappeared” after a political protest two weeks ago in Guerrero state, and a nearby mass grave may link police to a drug gang that committed a massacre.