There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
This Spring, We Throw Off Our Chains
We are living in a world controlled by forces incapable of giving freedom and dignity to the world´s population , where we are told there is no alternative to the loss of our rights. But we want a world ruled by the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity – the old dream of our ancestors when they rose against oppression.
How the Women of Guatemala Rocked May Day
May 1 events in the colonial city of Antigua Guatemala are traditionally festive, but not in recent memory have Antigua’s workers, peasants and unions organized a May Day march like this year's.
Philly, Where It All Began
May Day's over, but take heart: Summer's here, and with it, music and mischief.
This May 15, Another City is Possible
On May 15, join thousands in a mass convergence at Times Square for the culmination of a week of actions against austerity and corporate greed.
Only We Can Stop These Pipeline Dreams
The rush to exploit "extreme energy" sources such as tar sands and mountain top coal has sparked angry protests because of the devastating environmental consequences.
Can the Indignados Reignite the Occupy Movement?
Spring re-occupations have largely failed here in North America. The May Day General Strike was stifled by aggressive, preemptive policing that neutralized Occupy’s signature moves. In light of these challenges, Saturday’s rebirth of the indignados could be a tactical turning point.
ALEC and Koch Industries Aim to Subvert Green Energy
A confidential strategy memo advises using "subversion" to build a national movement of wind farm protesters. "Local anti-wind groups are coordinating and working with national fossil-fuel funded advocacy groups to wreck the wind industry."
The Occupation of U.C. Berkeley
Last Friday, thirty black, Latina/o and other underrepresented minority students who were rejected admission to U.C. Berkeley and UCLA began occupying the U.C. Berkeley undergraduate admissions office.
Letter from Charlotte: Building the Coalition
Occupy Charlotte is aware that the Democratic National Convention is coming in September. So the question is not really about whether to work with other groups, but how.
Spanish Indignados Return to Their Squares
On Saturday, the one-year anniversary of the M15 movement brought hundreds of thousands of people to the streets again in nearly 80 Spanish cities.