The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Government Uses the Same Argument to Justify the Targeted Killing of Americans and Indefinite Detention
On Tuesday, Michael Isikoff of NBC News published a 16-page white paper that outlines the government's secret justification for the extrajudicial killing of an American believed to be affiliated with a terrorist organization.
For Just Over $600 Million, R.B.S. Settles Case on Rigging
A campaign to root out financial fraud scored a victory as authorities took aim at the Royal Bank of Scotland for its role in the LIBOR interest rate manipulation scheme.
Federal Reserve: 'We Got Hacked by Anonymous'
The Federal Reserve released a statement Tuesday that members of Anonymous hacked its system on Superbowl Sunday to obtain sensitive information from more than 4,000 bank executives.
'Aaron's Law' Proposes Reining in Federal Anti-Hacking Statute
Amendments being proposed to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act will limit the definition of unauthorized access to make a clear distinction between criminal hacking activity and simply acts that exceed authorized access on a minor level.
Get Involved! It's the Hour for People Power in America
The social movements leading the push for immigration reform and gun regulations must ratchet up pressure after these latest battles are won to win the battles for climate change and anti-poverty legislation.
Why Police Get Away with Lying Under Oath
Perversely, the criminal justice system gives officers an incentive to perjure themselves.
The Threat of Disruption: When Movements Make Noise
The great movements that changed the course of our history accomplished more than spectacle and communication: they actually exercised power.
The Question No One Is Asking About Keystone XL
Why are we arresting Americans for trespassing on their own property? It sure looks like it's just so a foreign corporation can get rid of their toxic oil and a handful of billionaires in Texas can make big profits refining and exporting it.
Memo From Atlanta: How the Blackstone Group and "Property Managers" are Seizing Our Homes
After creating the massive housing bubble that eventually burst, Wall Street private equity and hedge funds have figured out how to profit off their destruction: by turning foreclosed homes into rentals and securitizing the rental income.
Exposed: Spain Is in the Hands of Thieves
300 politicians are now under investigation for corruption in Spain, where politicians’ subservience to financial power is being exposed.