It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Role of Youth In the Coming Transformation
One of the slogans in the actions against gun violence is “adults failed to solve the problem.” The truth is, those currently in power have failed on many fronts, e.g. climate change, wealth disparity, racial injustice, lack of health care and more.
5 Indigenous Women Asserting the Modern Matriarchy
They’re reclaiming the tradition of female leadership and turning the old, white, male-dominated perspective of history on its head.
'They Cannot Ignore Us': Oklahoma Teachers Resolute as Walkout Enters Second Day
"They are counting on you to go away silently," the head of the state teachers' union said of the legislature, as 30,000 education supporters packed the Capitol on Monday demanding a teacher pay raise of $10,000 over the next 3 years.
Change Is Coming: Grassroots Organizing, Democratic Politics and the 2018 Elections
Progressive politicians can engage directly with citizens to build an organizational backbone that will last for multiple election cycles and operate in between elections as well.
Fed Up with School Spending Cuts, Oklahoma Teachers Walk Out
“I’m fed up,” said Rusty Bradley, a high school technology teacher whose classroom computers are more than a decade old, as the bus rumbled toward the state Capitol.
Historic Community Rights Vote Fails To Pass New Hampshire Legislature
The Granite State is embarking on a new, important exploration of the way we govern in the United States – putting local, community rights to a safe and healthy environment over other laws.
Oklahoma Teachers Prepare For Walkout As Red State Revolt Spreads
“Yesterday, the Legislature passed a historic education funding increase. Today, they started dismantling it by cutting millions out of the plan. Oklahoma: we’ll see you at 9 a.m. April 2 at the Capitol,” said the teachers union
Is Drinking Water in the U.S. Safe? Not By a Long Shot
That nasty tasting water from the faucet that you’ve been rejecting in favor of an unhealthy soda might actually have unsafe quantities of lead, nitrates, arsenic and disease-causing pathogens.
Boston Judge Acquits 13 Pipeline Protesters in Groundbreaking Decision
The judge made the decision after hearing each defendant's testimony. They argued the threat of climate change necessitated their civil disobedience.
Keep Calm and Starve: UK Government Strips Poor Children of School Lunches
The new measure will leave any family with a net annual income of less than £7,400 unable to claim a free lunch for their children during a school day. Around 1 million children are likely to suffer from the cut.