It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Trump Poised to Violate Constitution His First Day in Office, George W. Bush’s Ethics Lawyer Says
The Constitution doesn’t allow presidents to seek gifts from foreign agents.
Why the World Needs WikiLeaks
Despite the mounting legal and political pressure coming from Washington, we continue to publish valuable material, and submissions keep pouring in.
The Power of the Movements Facing Trump
For at least the next four years people in the U.S. will rally and march against Donald Trump's government, regularly and in large numbers – but on its own, protest is never enough to create lasting social transformation.
It's Direr Than You Think In Greece, Where Home Repossessions Are Exploding
As of this month, more than 120,000 Greek homes stand to be repossessed as tenants and owners find themselves unable to shoulder a taxation burden that far exceeds their 10,000 euro total annual income.
Capitalism Itself is to Blame for Donald Trump
America lashed out at our economic system, but our new president-elect won't be able to help. Instead, argues Professor Richard Wolff, we must change the way we approach work.
U.S. Army Corps Halts Dakota Access Pipeline, Pending Review
The Obama administration has refused a final permit for the Missouri River crossing, answering the Standing Rock tribe's call to protect its drinking water.
The Economics of Climate Change: Crash or Transformation?
A former regulator of the Bank of England, Paul Fisher, recently admitted that climate change could trigger the next financial crisis – a radical admission and an astute one, given the colliding factors threatening our system.
Organic Farming in the U.S. Is Now Bigger Than Ever
The number of certified organic acres in the country rose by more than 10 percent in the past two years, with organic farms numbering now 15,000 nationwide.
Wall Street Spends $2.3 Million a Day to Stall Financial Reforms
This election cycle, banks and financial interests put more than $1.4 billion into efforts to elect and influence holders of national political office, according to a new report by Americans for Financial Reform.
The Lawsuit That Could Save the Planet
With Donald Trump proposing to undo President Obama's climate legacy, hope for a safe climate future may rest in the hands of the courts – in particular, a ruling that 21 young Americans can proceed to trial against the Obama administration.