We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
What a Revived Poor People’s Campaign Needs to Do in the Trump Era
For the new movement to gain national traction, it will need to draw in poor and working-class Whites.
You Can’t Be Serious: Debunking The Dangerous Arguments Against Dodd-Frank
Dodd-Frank, however imperfect, isn’t just about protecting average folks from reckless, predatory finance. It’s also about protecting Big Finance from itself.
Activists Demand Climate Refugees Be Recognized
A 2015 tidal surge caused the sea to flood across the islands of Kiribati, the small Pacific island nation chain of atolls that could be the first national homeland lost completely to climate change.
Charlottesville Coalition to March 10 Days to D.C. to Confront White Supremacy
"We know that this is a very dangerous moment in our nation's history, a moment that requires action."
I Had A Front-Row Seat To Joe Arpaio's Downfall. We Can Beat Trump The Same Way.
Joe Arpaio's cruel, lawless reign over Maricopa County foreshadowed the Trump presidency, and so will his downfall.
What Exxon Mobil Didn’t Say About Climate Change
Even while Exxon Mobil scientists were contributing to climate science and writing reports that explained it to their bosses, the company was paying for advertisements that told a very different tale.
Stopping the Deadly Somali Migrant Crisis, One Educated Youth At a Time
Across the Horn of Africa, classes are being taught to try and convince young people not to embark on the deadly journey, while religious leaders rebuke the practice at mosques and local gatherings, and activists fight migration creatively.
One of the Biggest Criticisms Against Wind and Solar Energy has Been Quashed
A new analysis shows that the fossil fuels not burnt because of wind and solar energy helped avoid between 3,000 and 12,700 premature deaths in the U.S. between 2007 and 2015 – saving the country between $35 billion and $220 billion.
Coal Mining Health Study Is Halted by Interior Department
“Stopping this study is a ploy to stop science in its tracks and keep the public in the dark about health risks as a favor to the mining industry, pure and simple,” said Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources.
The Absurdity of Corporate Tax Cuts During the Corporate Pillaging of the Middle Class
Last year, fifteen of the largest corporations in America, with combined revenue well over $1 trillion dollars, paid less than 6 percent in U.S. federal income taxes. But mainstream media opinion editors don’t appear to have the courage to speak up.