We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Utilities Knew: Power Providers Deceived the Public on Climate Change for 50 Years
For half a century, electric utilities have engaged in ongoing efforts to sow doubt about climate science, respond to climate change with disinformation, and block legal limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
The Brexit Hall of Mirrors: Doubts, Deliberations and No Clear Vision In Sight
With a government seemingly bent on backtracking on its promises and delaying negotiations, it's no wonder that many UK citizens – including large numbers of its politicians – are in a state of real unease about what the future might hold.
Lawsuit Says Wells Fargo Auto Insurance Charges Were a Fraud
Wells Fargo said late last week it would refund about $80 million to an estimated 570,000 customers who were wrongly charged for auto insurance from 2012 to 2017, including roughly 20,000 whose vehicles were repossessed.
This Organization Wants to Create A Thousand Bernie Sanders. Here’s How.
For the millions of Americans who agreed with Bernie’s “future to believe in,” there is a very simple explanation for what is wrong with our government: it’s not filled with Bernie Sanders. The Incorruptibles has a plan to change that.
"Obscene": 70 Top Healthcare CEOs Raked in $9.8 Billion Since 2010
"The median household income in 2015 was $56,515, which the average healthcare CEO made in less than a day."
Our Best Shot at Meeting Paris Goals? Make Energy Public
A new report finds public ownership is the best way for cities and towns to meet renewable energy and efficiency targets.
Occupy the Cinema: "Nobody Speak" Tackles Free Press and Journalism in the Age of Trump
At its core, "Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press" raises the question of where the line is between public and private, whether crossing it is “bad,” and whether the news men and women who do so ought to be held legally accountable.
8 Lessons U.S. Progressives Can Learn From the U.K. Labour Party
A grassroots network called Momentum, formed in 2015 to build participation and engagement in the Labour Party, mobilized 23,000 members and 150 local chapters through on-the-ground campaigning and social media.
With Polish People's Victory, Is Nationalism Finally Losing Its Grip In Central Europe?
Resistance to rightwing regimes like the one governing Poland, as well as Hungary, are becoming increasingly more effective as people become more educated about the far-right politics steering their nations astray.
New Book Explores How Protesters—and Governments—Use Internet Tactics
The central question of technosociologist Zeynep Tufekci's new book, "Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest," is how digital media changes the reality and effectiveness of social protest.