The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Too Rigged to Fail: The Homeowner Hampster Wheel of Mortgage Fraud
If the government won’t break up the banks, then we the people need to break up with the banks. The only way they will feel our pain is if people move their money out of them – then demand accountability and jail time for the elite financial criminals.
Pay Gap Persists Even As Women Take Over Male-Dominated Fields
Women’s median annual earnings stubbornly remain about 20 percent below men’s. Why is progress stalling? It may come down to this troubling reality, new research suggests: Work done by women simply isn’t valued as highly.
40 Millionaires Ask New York Governor to Raise Taxes On the 1%
“As New Yorkers who have contributed to and benefited from the economic vibrancy of our state, we have both the ability and the responsibility to pay our fair share,” the millionaires said in an open letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state lawmakers.
Kill the Housing Bill: A New Battle Over Rent Heats Up On Britain’s Streets
The "Pay to Stay" system would make social housing tenants pay the same in rent as those living in privately-owned property – a change protestors say will force thousands out of their homes.
Frances Moore Lappé: Why I’m Facing Arrest to Get Money Out of Politics
To raise awareness about the corruption of our political system, thousands have pledged to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience during Democracy Spring, happening April 2-11 between Philadelphia and Washington, DC.
Senate Rejects GMO Anti-Labeling Bill Handing Huge Victory To Consumers
Had the legislation passed Wednesday, it would have preempted states from enacting their own GMO labeling requirements – and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was "pleased that Congress stood up to the demands of Monsanto."
As Climate Crisis Deepens, Environment Remains Off the Mainstream Radar
It seems little consolation that some day, not far in the future, activists will be able to say “I told you so” to all those who downplayed or denied the existence of global warming – none of whom will be immune to the consequences.
Black Lives Matter Movement Sees Series of Victories In Midwest Elections
The protest movement that formed in response to deadly shootings of African Americans by police saw oustings of prosecutors in Chicago and Cleveland on Wednesday.
Mohawk Nation Vows To Block TransCanada's Energy East Pipeline
An alliance of indigenous nations, from coast to coast, is being formed against all the pipeline, rail and tanker projects that would make possible the continued expansion of tar sands.
UK Is At Bottom Of O.E.C.D. In Healthcare – But Leaders Still Deny Austerity Is to Blame
Public discontentment with the National Health Service rose in 2014 more sharply than in any other year on record – and Britain now ranks 28th out of 30 among developed countries in terms of the quality of its healthcare.