It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
"Don’t Frack Denver" Coalition Urges Mayor and City Council to Enact Immediate Moratorium
We need to put a moratorium on fracking in Denver to make sure that my family and thousands of others like mine don’t live in fear for our health, safety and property.
Tens of Thousands Rally in Greece and Worldwide On Eve of Eurozone Bailout Talks
Masses gathered in central Athens on Sunday to support the newly elected government's push for a better deal on Greece's debt, while about 40 other anti-austerity demonstrations took place across Europe, Australia, Brazil and the U.S.
Pentagon Makes No Secret of Wanting to Monitor Social Change Activism
The U.S. military is increasingly concerned about the risks to social, political and economic stability from resource stress and climate change – and whether they might lead governments to collapse.
Neo-Nazi Pegida Rallies Fading In Germany, But Europe's Deadly Shootings Continue
Support for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West has fallen thanks to the group's own slip-ups as well as the counter-demonstrators who've consistently fought its racist message.
A Megadrought Will Grip U.S. in the Coming Decades, NASA Researchers Say
It will probably last for decades.
Monitors to Phones to Meals: These 5 Corporations Are Quietly Making Billions Off Incarceration
Companies off the popular radar are benefiting from epidemic prison and jail building – some may even be even operating in your neighborhood.
Leaked Files Reveal Global Bankster Scam. So Who's Getting Locked Up, and When?
After one of the largest leaks in the history of the banking industry, we know that HSBC bank helped hundreds of thousands of wealthy customers from across the globe avoid paying their taxes – now, what punishment will they face?
Global Divestment Day - February 13th & 14th: Breaking Up With Fossil Fuels
Thousands are coming together around the world this weekend to move our public money out of fossil fuels and demand that institutions, and individuals, do what's necessary to save our climate and our future.
Americans Are Enslaved By the Most Dependent Of Us All – the Wealthy
We have been programmed to believe that capital takes preeminence over humanity, that those with capital are entitled to be the arbiters of everyone’s success or failure – and that capital determines one's worth.
New Illinois Governor Bans "Fair Share" Public Union Dues, Signaling Fresh Crackdown on Labor
Newly elected Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner has banned public sector unions from collecting fees from non-member state employees – a move widely seen as the first stage in an assault on labor unions in the state.