It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The World Is Still Up For Grabs: A Manifesto For the Year Ahead
Revolution is a Rhizome. We now have a confidence in this generation that we didn’t have before.
Taibbi: For Forbes, Goldman's CEO Lloyd Blankfein Is Holier Than Mother Teresa
Let's fill them in on some of the ways the bank has made its money.
Protesters Lock Down in D.C. Demanding Transparency for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Protesters concerned about the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership covered the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with banners calling for a democratic process and a release of the treaty’s text.
Is South Tyrol Freedom Emerging as Europe's Next Winning Separatist Movement?
A new referendum spells potential upheaval in the Italian Alps, where South Tyrol’s German-speaking citizens are mounting a fierce and determined campaign to return their autonomous region to Austrian rule.
Pittsburgh Says: Tax Billion-Dollar "Charity" Health Care Business
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is a “$10 billion integrated global health enterprise” with 20 hospitals and 400 clinics in western Pennsylvania. But its status as a “nonprofit charity” makes it tax-exempt, and Pittsburgh is trying to change that.
Licensed to Kill: The Growing Phenomenon of Police Shooting Unarmed Citizens
Even older cops equally alarmed by the attitudes and behaviors of younger police today, the foot soldiers in the emerging police state.
Pussy Riot Member Starts Hunger Strike to Protest "Colony Slave Labor"
"I will do this until the administration starts obeying the law and stops treating incarcerated women like cattle," writes Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.
Launching A Postal Savings Bank: Infrastructure that Doesn’t Cost Taxpayers a Dime
A postal bank in the U.S. could appeal to savers generally who are concerned about the safety of their deposits.
Revealed: Big Oil Lobbyists and Executives Dominate New Fracking Climate Study
Stacked with former and current oil industry lobbyists, the UT-Austin Steering Committee roster to study methane releases from fracking is proof positive of a conflict of interest in "frackademia."
Exposed: Georgia's Courts Are Breaking The Law By Denying Public Access
Revelations by a judicial oversight commission in Georgia show that numerous judges in the state are violating the law by denying public access to courtrooms.