It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Robert Mundell, Architect of the Euro, Always Envisioned Deregulation
The idea that the euro has "failed" is dangerously naive – the euro is doing exactly what its progenitor, and the wealthy 1%-ers who adopted it, predicted and planned for it to do.
In Sham Congress, Senators Reach Deal On Massive Free Trade Bill No One Has Seen
Congress’s tax committees announced an agreement Thursday to speed through a bill to give President Barack Obama the Trans-Pacific Partnership fast-track authority.
At Harvard Heat Week, Students and Faculty Demand Fossil Fuel Divestment Now
A mobilization and sit-in by students, alumni and other activists – including a civil disobedience blockade of Massachusetts Hall, housing the office of President Faust – seeks to spur America's elite university to divest from fossil fuels.
Greece's Other Story: Golden Dawn and the Dangerous Rise of Europe's Far Right
Continued austerity policies, especially in Europe’s poorer countries, could leave those left behind looking for scapegoats – a situation that history teaches us never ends well.
Water or Wine: California Facing Record Drought Must Pick A Side, And Fast
The crisis for many in northern California comes down to this: we're exporting our precious water in the form of profitable wine.
From L.A. to Denver to New York, Tens of Thousands March Demanding $15/Hour
Nearly 1,000 fast-food workers, Walmart employees and union members in Los Angeles joined nationwide protests Wednesday calling for a $15 minimum wage.
The Truth About the Detroit Water Shutoffs
Ever since the City of Detroit started shutting off water to low-income residents last summer, city officials have maintained that they're simply responding to Detroiters’ failure to pay their bills – but now it's looking like that's not the case.
Connecticut Bill Would Fine Corporations for Low Wages
The proposed legislation would subject for-profit companies with 500 or more employees to a fine for every employee who is paid less than $15 an hour, essentially forcing those companies to raise wages or pay if they refuse.
A Hillary Clinton Coronation Will Pave the Way for a Scott Walker Presidency
Hillary Clinton is obviously not a progressive candidate – and she is the epitome of the Washington establishment that most Republicans are running against, and which most Americans have grown to distrust.
Turning the Tide: A Newspaper for People In Prison Gets A Second Wind
Through a grassroots fundraising campaign, Vanessa Carlisle was able to turn this L.A.-based newspaper for incarcerated people into a sustainable publication.