There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
UBS Libor Manipulation Merits a Death Penalty
A more emphatic message needs to be sent to UBS bank by its prudential regulator in the U.S.: You are finished in this country.
Open Letter to the FBI, From a Former Houston Occupier
I’m not a terrorist or a criminal. I’m an American citizen nonviolently protesting the fact that corporations and banks can buy influence in Washington.
Cost of Combating Climate Change Surges as World Delays
An agreement by almost 200 nations to curb rising greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 will be far more costly than taking action now to tackle climate change.
As the Foreclosure Crisis Drags On, So Does Flawed Government
We've been keeping a close watch on whether the government is keeping its promises about compensating victims of the foreclosure crisis, which just ended its sixth year.
A Checkerboard Strategy to Keep Progressivism Alive
Progressives need to get off the defensive and get acquainted with the checkerboard of power and its possibilities.
Shell Oil Rig Runs Aground in Alaska
Shell has lurched from one Arctic disaster to the next, displaying ineptitude every step of the way.
Angelo Mozilo, Disgraced Countrywide CEO, Plays Dumb
As chief of Countrywide, Mozilo headed the single most corrupt subprime mortgage lender in America during the period preceding the crisis.
Debt Versus Democracy: A Battle for the Future
In the U.S. and Europe, the movement of squares is articulating full-scale resistance.
A New Direction for Occupy in 2013
Now is the time to put pressure on the government to address our long-term domestic challenges, and the Occupy Movement should lead the charge.
A New Insurgency for a New Year
Millions of progressives who understood the tactical wisdom of supporting Obama’s re-election should now recognize that the time has come to renounce his leadership.