It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Socialists Need To Fight For Economic Change — Not Just Another Version Of Capitalism
Broadly felt problems with capitalism – rising inequality, stagnating wages and severe instability – have led to major global political and cultural shifts. But what does socialism actually mean?
America shows how to tackle climate change from the bottom up
Michael Levitin reports on the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, where ambitious climate action by mayors and state governors was in the spotlight
Letter From NYU: Why Christine Blasey Ford Wanted Her Story to Stay Private
In the #MeToo era, why does it remain so difficult for women to go public with stories of sexual assault. These three women at NYU explain and share their traumas.
Science for Sale: The Other Problem With Corporate Money
Funny how people so obsessed with “fake news” so easily embrace fake science.
Hundreds Of Yale Students Protest Kavanaugh, Demand Investigation
The elite law school canceled 31 classes to help facilitate protests on campus and in Washington, D.C.
Far-Right Austria and the Rise of the "Fascist Hipster" Identitarian Movement
Europe's far-right hipsters have urged their supporters to perform highly publicized acts – from chartering ships to prevent migrants landing in Europe, to patrolling the Alps for illegal foreigners.
Cancel Kavanaugh: Nationwide Walkout Monday for Sexual Assault Survivors
Thousands across the country have pledged to walk out of their workplaces and schools on Monday at 1:00pm EST.
"Treating Protest As Terrorism': U.S. Plans Crackdown on Keystone XL Activists
Documents suggest an aggressive response to possible protests against the oil pipeline amid fears of another Standing Rock.
Occupy Satire: American Success Stories 2018
Check out these uplifting tales in an age of diminished expectations.
Becoming Serfs
We live in a new feudalism. We have been stripped of political power. Workers are trapped in menial jobs, forced into crippling debt and paid stagnant or declining wages. Where will this end?