It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Who’s Responsible For Poisoning Flint’s Water Supply?
The struggling Michigan city is reeling from a lead-poisoning crisis caused by bad state policies.
More Snowdens Wanted: Germany's "Intelexit" Calls On Spooks To Give Up The Game
A German anti-surveillance collective is seeking to dispel apprehension among other spies who might be contemplating following in Snowden’s footsteps.
Chronicles of a Defeat Foretold, Part I: Syriza's Greek Crash Landing
The relationship of the Syriza party with the Greek grassroots movements resisting austerity was a marriage of convenience that has ended in broken promises, lost opportunities and a bitter divorce.
Spain to the Polls: Moving Away from Its Radical Platform, Podemos Has Lost Support
With national elections looming Sunday, descriptions of the party as the "best of a bad bunch" have become more common — especially among the country's vibrant citizen movements.
Stingrays: A Secret Catalogue of Government Gear for Spying on Your Cellphone
The Intercept has obtained a secret, internal U.S. government document, thick with undisclosed information offering rare insight into the spying capabilities of federal law enforcement and local police.
The Revolt of the Anxious Class Has Just Begun
For years I’ve listened to their growing anger – in union halls and bars, in coal mines and beauty parlors, on the Main Streets and byways of the washed-out backwaters of America.
Thanks to Bernie, "Socialism" Is Most Looked-Up Word of 2015 on Merriam-Webster
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders sparked a 169% rise in look-ups, says the U.S. dictionary publisher, which “shows the term has moved beyond its cold war associations.”
Positive Anxiety: The Takeaway from Paris
The climate summit – which got up off its knees, then to its feet and ended with hands raised and loud cheering – will go down in history as a turning point in the protracted, half-baked global efforts of the last two decades.
A Holiday Note to Congress: Half of Your Country is In or Near Poverty
Congress should be filled with guilt — and shame — for failing to deal with the enormous wealth disparities that are turning our country into the equivalent of a 3rd-world nation.
What The Paris Agreement Does, and Doesn’t Do
Some people are relaxing after organizing a really powerful redlines action. Some people are still trying to figure out what this climate agreement will really get us. Some people are gearing up to keep on fighting.