It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Silencing Whistle-Blowers
The Obama administration has just opened a new front in its ongoing war on whistleblowers.
Turning the Page, U.S. Soldiers Home From War Rebound Through Writing
Putting the experience of war into words on the page has emerged as a popular form of therapy for growing numbers of veterans.
The World's Coming Trillionaires
Global wealth has more than doubled in the past ten years. So where did all the money go?
Why Does A College President Make 170 Times More than Adjunct Professors?
Some of the nation’s poorest people work in higher education.
Spain’s Radical Catholic Activist and the Future of the Church
The leader of the Occupy Movement in Spain—who leads debates on feminism, takes on corporate interests and criticizes modern capitalism—is a nun.
Exposed: Dow Chemical Backed Anti-Union Nonprofit with $2 Million in Michigan
The giant chemical maker was one of several corporations that helped finance a web of so-called “social welfare” nonprofits not legally obligated to publicly identify their funders.
Brazil’s Lawmakers Push Anti-Terrorism Policy To Stifle Protest Ahead of World Cup
After a surprise Defense Ministry ruling enabling armed forces in Brazil’s streets, members of Congress are now pushing a bill that defines terrorism in vague terms – to frighten protesters and quell public dissent ahead of the World Cup.
How the U.S. Deported One of Its Own Citizens
Could it happen to you?
Eurodrones, Inc: How Europe Is Financing the Emerging Drone Industry
Just how far-reaching is the E.U.'s financing and support for the emerging drone industry?
Scott Walker’s Little-known Scandal: When He Treated Welfare Recipients Like Dogs
When Scott Walker was county executive, how he handled programs for Milwaukee’s poor will shock and amaze you.