There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Canadian Government Targets "Anti-Petroleum Movement" As A Growing Security Threat
New legislation would expand the ability of government agencies to infiltrate environmental groups on the suspicion that they are promoting civil disobedience or other criminal acts to oppose resource projects.
Former Students Launch Debt Strike Against College, Fueling Next Stage in the Movement
On Monday, a group called Debt Collective said former students of the for-profit Corinthian Colleges Inc. will stop paying their loans – signaling an escalation in the nationwide student fight against skyrocketing student debt.
Demanding Outright Ban, Broad Alliance In Scotland Escalates Anti-Fracking Movement
Following last month's decision to place a moratorium on fracking, widespread Scottish opposition is growing to other unconventional methods of fuel extraction.
Why Trains Are Carrying — and Spilling — A Record Amount of Oil
More than 141 “unintentional releases” were reported from railroad tankers in 2014, an all-time high and a nearly six-fold increase over the average of 25 spills per year during the period from 1975 to 2012.
In Richmond, We Would Not Let Democracy Be Bought
Our progressive achievements and electoral victories in Richmond have garnered national attention and we hope our story provides inspiration, and instruction, to other cities and communities.
Hundreds Of Thousands In "Silent March" Show New Face of Argentina Protests
Initially billed as a testament to Nisman, the march morphed into a much broader vent about Argentina’s insecurity and perceived lack of a transparent and fair judicial system.
HSBC Bank Scandal Widens As Collusion With U.K. Government and Media Is Exposed
The company directors should be called to account and sent to prison because HSBC has been involved in criminal activity at many levels.
Cheaper, Faster, Better: The Time for Postal Banking Is Now
Postal banking represents a national, nonprofit public option to the private, for-profit banking system – and a solution for the one in four Americans who are underbanked.
People Mobilize Against Corporate Water Grabs From New Jersey to Detroit to Portland
New Jersey became the latest state to subvert democracy by authorizing the fast-track sale or lease of water utilities without public notice, comment or approval.
Solutions on Track: Electrified Rail And Our Clean Transport Future
Electrified rail powered by renewables is a low-carbon solution for 21st century freight mobility – and Solutionary Rail provides a framework to make it a reality.