There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
FBI Used No-Fly List to Bully Muslims Into Becoming Informers
Naveed Shinwari hasn’t seen his wife in 26 months. He suspects it’s because he refused to become an informant for the FBI.
Occupy was Right: Capitalism Has Failed the World. So What's Next?
One of the slogans of the Occupy movement was "capitalism isn't working." Now, in an epic, groundbreaking new book, French economist Thomas Piketty explains why the movement was right.
Shocker: Average Credit Card Interest Climbs to 21%
As credit card companies try and spur consumer spending in the United States with introductory perks and cash rewards, they have raised interest rates on other customers to a remarkable 21 percent.
Inmates Strike in Alabama – Declare Prison Is “Running a Slave Empire”
Inmates will refuse work, calling for education, rehabilitation and an end to overcrowding, life sentences without parole – and “the free labor system.”
Deadlines Looming, Public Debates Dangerous Oil-By-Rail Plans in Pacific Northwest
Oil spills are the reality of transporting oil – and in the Pacific Northwest, where workers from the fishing to tourism industries depend on oil-free waterways, the threat is all the more grave.
Hedges: Preparing for Violence and the Coming American Fascism
The rage and nihilism that come from the frustrations of American life are expressed through violence.
Why the Comcast Merger With Time Warner Must Be Stopped
Comcast spent $18.8 million on lobbying last year – among the top for U.S. corporations – and operates a giant revolving door with Washington, making it an already too-powerful communications giant.
Wall Street Landlords Gamed the Foreclosure Crisis – And Now Occupy Our Homes
Faceless hedge funds and nameless investors are replacing landlords in many low-income and foreclosed-on neighborhoods — often with disastrous consequences.
U.S. Government Is Paying to Undermine Internet Security – Not to Fix It
One lesson of the Heartbleed bug is that the U.S. needs to stop running Internet security like a Wikipedia volunteer project.
Waging War on Corruption, Common Man's Party Rises In India
Corruption rules in India – and as the world’s largest democracy goes to the polls this month, the Common Man’s Party has emerged as a new hope promising a corruption-free future.