It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Thanksgiving Is National Day of Mourning for Native Peoples in Historic Massachusetts Town
Led by the United American Indians of New England, the yearly NDOM protest in Plymouth seeks to set the historical record straight – in the exact location where indigenous history was first buried in favor of a more agreeable tradition.
Pope Francis Issues Manifesto Denouncing Global Economic "Tyranny"
In a major indictment of capitalism and free markets, Pope Francis criticized "the structural causes of inequality" and urged global leaders to fight poverty and provide work, healthcare and education to all.
Why Monsanto and Trans-Pacific Partnership Equal Global Food Dominance
World food control has nearly been achieved by reducing plant diversity through GMO seeds made by transnational corporations. If the Trans-Pacific Partnership passes, our food, health, environment and financial system will belong fully to the corporations.
Global Power Project: The Group of Thirty and the "Good Discussion" They're Still Having
Emerging from the Rockefeller Foundation in the late 1970s, the Group of Thirty was designed as a think tank, lobby/industry group and, ultimately, a consensus-building institution for the global elites – to ensure that they stayed that way.
Climate Change and How We Write About It
Those who write about climate change face a banquet of awful riches.
Thanksgiving Report: Cuts to U.S. Food Programs = Hunger
With $11 billion of food-stamp cuts in place and $40 billion in welfare cuts on the table, charities and religious groups must significantly step up their political campaigning to combat hunger.
Thailand on Lockdown After Protesters Occupy Finance and Foreign Ministries
More than 150,000 demonstrators took park in weekend protests to unseat Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, leading to a public occupation of two ministry buildings.
New German Coalition Seeks Stricter Labeling of GMO-Fed Meat
Tougher regulations to label GMO-fed meat could have a big impact on livestock production, as many European consumers decide to turn away from eating farm animals fed with GMOs.
First Nation Clan Blocks Path of Northern Pipelines in British Columbia
As corporations attempt to drive the Pacific Trails and Enbridge Northern Gateway pipelines through British Columbia wilderness, the Unist’ot’en clan of the Wet'suwet'en people are courageously occupying in a strategic place to defend their lands.
How A Tobin Tax and Tax Haven Disclosures Could Transform Spain's Economy
If the Spanish financial sector was the main actor involved in the housing bubble and it got a $50 billion bailout, isn't it logical to ask that that sector receive the “austerity treatment” instead of the whole society? Here's how change is going to happen.