It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Federal Lawsuit Charges Sheriff's Deputy Unconstitutionally Killed Andy Lopez
A federal civil rights lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the family of Andy Lopez, contending that a sheriff deputy's killing of the 13-year-old was unconstitutional in that it violated the Fourth Amendment limiting police authority. Huge demonstrations are planned for Saturday.
Ben Franklin Was Right About the NSA
No other nation we know of so thoroughly sifts through the world’s communications, bugs 35 key leaders, targets individuals for assassination by CIA drones or U.S. special forces and stores every word its citizens ever sent.
Vote Victory: Fracking Banned In Three Colorado Cities!
The cities passed measures on Tuesday with solid margins to suspend or ban hydraulic fracturing.
Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Calls Spy Agencies' Encryption Cracking "Appalling and Foolish"
The computer scientist who created the world wide web has called for a "full and frank public debate" over Internet surveillance by the National Security Agency and its British counterpart, GCHQ, says the system of checks and balances has failed.
Thousands of Workers in Greece Strike to Protest Austerity
The 24-hour general walkout by Greece's largest public- and private-sector unions shut schools and disrupted flights.
The Time Has Come For $15 Minimum Wage
Had minimum wage kept up with worker productivity it would be $22/hour today. For a workers movement to win a living minimum wage will require getting corporate-backed politicians unelected from office, and building strength at the workplace level.
Big Brother’s Loyal Sister: How Dianne Feinstein Is Betraying Civil Liberties
As chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the California senator generates an abundance of fog, weasel words, anti-whistleblower slander and bogus notions of reform — while methodically stabbing civil liberties in the back.
Emissions, Climate Change Hit the Heartland As EPA Visits Kansas
Much of the debate in Kansas this week boiled down to a fierce argument over the future of existing coal-fired power plants, pitting supporters of coal against those who say the health of communities and the environment is at stake.
Report Shows How Corporate Lobbies Are Rewriting U.S. Labor Laws
According to the Economic Police Institute, some of America's largest corporate lobbies have engaged in an intense attack on labor standards and workplace protections, including laws on minimum wage, paid sick leave and even child labor protections.
Why the Kalamazoo Oil Disaster Looms As a Warning Against Further Pipelines
Three years after a mega-oil spill left tar sands bitumen blanketing a swath of Michigan, the EPA estimates there are still about 180,000 (plus or minus 100,000) gallons of crude still lining the Kalamazoo River. Are we really ready for more pipelines?