It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Occupying K Street: The Corridor to Power
The path to undoing the damage of special interest control of government begins with a demand delivered in such a way that it forces those in power to stand up and take note. Strengthening the FEC and curbing lobbying power is one place to start.
When the Rich Hoard All the Toys
Our wealth has become so skewed that the top 1 percent possesses a greater collective worth than the entire bottom 90 percent - a level of inequality unusual by American historical and global standards alike.
The Reefer Rebellion in November
On election day, voters in these six states will have their say on marijuana law reform. If the present polls hold, federal officials will have little choice but to acknowledge that they have a full-fledged reefer rebellion on their hands.
Publications: Occupy the Highway
Sarah Handyside's chronicle of Walkupy, a 1,000-mile, two-and-a-half month mobile occupation — on foot — from New York City to Atlanta, details everything from blisters and the insides of jail cells to frozen nights spent in abandoned buildings and the hospitality of complete strangers.
Letter to Occupy: Time to Get Your Hands Dirty
Occupy, you had your moment, but it takes more than that to create a movement. Democracy is politics - you have to get involved in order to change it.
Daryl Hannah Arrested Protesting Keystone XL Pipeline in Texas
The actor Daryl Hannah was arrested in northeast Texas on Thursday, along with a landowner as the pair protested against an oil pipeline designed to bring crude from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
Making Walmart Work for Us
Workers responsible for moving an estimated $1 trillion worth of goods a year through the global economy are paid low wages, often denied breaks and basic protective gear, and are employed primarily through temp agencies. Now they are on strike.
Letter to Occupy: What's Next?
I hope you take some time to decide how the movement will move forward in a constructive manner. Occupy a new space? Get involved electorally? Actively work to reform policy? Supporters want desperately for you to succeed at enacting long-lasting change.
Opinion: Workers Are The 99%, Plain and Simple
We now have the battle lines clearly drawn: those who want a new society, and those who want to keep it the way it is. But our current, amorphous definition of the 99% will not provide us with an adequate paradigm to move forward.
"Quantitative Easing": A Bank Bailout by a Different Name
The Federal Reserve's plan to create money out of nothing for the purpose of buying mortgage-backed securities will increase the already historic level of inequality that exists in the U.S.