It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Paul Ryan Has a 20-Year Plan to Destroy the Government. Where's Ours?
Talk of presumptive Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan's budget plan is all over the place. He's hailed as a strategist, deep-thinker, policy-wonk, and the intellectual heart of the Republican Party. He's their theorist.
The Global 1%: Exposing the Transnational Ruling Class
Who are the the world’s power elite, and to what extent do they operate in unison for private gain at the expense of the 99 percent? Examples like Freeport-McMoRan and BlackRock are just a few.
This Crisis Is Not Leaving
After nearly five years, and trillions in government-funded bailouts, the economic and social crisis afflicting America hasn't gone anywhere. Here are five reasons why.
With Wind, Comes Work, in Michigan
The state could become a "job-creating machine" if its renewable energy standard increases to 25 percent -- a measure that will be up to a vote in this fall's election.
Face Recognition: The New Totalitarianism of Surveillance Technology
If you think the 24/7 tracking of citizens by biometric recognition systems is paranoid fantasy, just read the industry newsletters.
People Challenge Banks for Homes in Chicago
A housing liberation movement is brewing in the Windy City, where dozens of vacant homes have been freed from bank control and opened up to homeless families.
Welcome to Orwell's New York City
A new high-tech surveillance computer network, developed with Microsoft, will make New York an even more invasive police state than it already was -- akin to "one-stop shopping for investigators."
Credit Card Companies: The New Robo-Signers
American Express, Citigroup and Discover Financial are among the giant lenders now engaging in fraudulent debt collection practices that mirror the illegal foreclosure process.
BREAKING: Pipeline Construction Begins, with Protests, in Texas
Blockaders braved a wall of bulldozers early Thursday morning and unfurled banners that warned TransCanada to expect resistance the size of Texas if the company proceeds with construction of the Keystone XL pipeline through the state.
The Police State on Trial
"We are fighting for due process and for the first amendment," says one plaintiff battling the National Defense Authorization Act, "for a country we still believe in and for a government still legally bound by its constitution."