It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Inside Taiwan's Sunflower Movement – Where Asia's Largest Student Uprising Is Blooming
Taiwanese public opinion seems increasingly in favor of the student movement, with a majority of TV poll respondents supporting a review of the China trade pact and expressing disapproval of government conduct.
Worldwide #WaveOfAction Begins April 4 at Former Occupy Sites
One of the beautiful things about this decentralized, non-hierarchical effort is that it is impossible for anyone to predict what will happen.
Hedges v. Obama: Fighting the Militarized State
This law, if it is not struck down, will essentially replace our civilian judiciary with a military one, meaning people will not have a chance to get a lawyer or see the inside of a courtroom.
Hundreds Protest Police Shootings in Albuquerque As Anonymous Hacks A.P.D. Page
A protest over deadly police shootings in Albuquerque turned from a peaceful demonstration to “mayhem,” as officers in riot gear clashed with protesters.
Cop In Riot Gear Violently Blindsides Girl During Arizona Riots
In a shocking move, a police officer in riot gear comes out of nowhere to check a girl into a bench, for no clear reason.
Anarchist and Parliamentarian, Iceland's Birgitta Jónsdóttir Talks Big E-Revolution
“I am a hacker within the system,” says the former Wikileaks collaborator.
Campaign Launches to End World Bank's Involvement in Corporate Land Grabs
Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights.
Taiwan Protests Swell To Hundreds of Thousands As People Reject China Deal
Protesters massed outside Taiwan's Parliament on Sunday to voice opposition to a trade pact with China.
Revealed: Health Care Interests Intentionally Sowing “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt”
The orchestrated, years-long "FUD" campaign has scared millions of Americans into believing that Obamacare represents a government takeover.
Net Neutrality Wins In Brazil’s "Internet Constitution"
The groundbreaking legislation in South America’s biggest country would enshrine Net neutrality and attempt to curb NSA spying.