It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Enter the Green Rush – And Join the WorldWide #WaveofAction
The #WaveOfAction is a decentralized, digital campaign that will shine a global spotlight on progressive and revolutionary grassroots direct actions, starting today.
This Danish Island Powered By Renewables Is Creating Followers Worldwide
The little Danish island of Samsø produces more electricity than it consumes, all from the sun and wind – making it famous for fossil fuel free power and inspiring others to follow suit.
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Searched Americans' Emails Without Warrants
The NSA and CIA used a loophole to search the emails and other electronic communications of Americans without a warrant.
The Republican Plan To Invalidate Scientific Research
Republicans are attempting to squash scientific facts that challenge their own agendas by funding and generating alternate research that backs up their claims.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Cap on Overall Campaign Contributions
The ruling allows wealthy individuals to buy unlimited influence.
In Fracking Fight, a Worry About How Best to Measure Health Threats
In Pennsylvania, opponents of gas drilling say regulators are slow and unprepared in responding to air quality complaints.
Selling Secrecy: Why Tax Evasion Is Running Rampant Across Europe
All across Europe, E.U. member states have been battling to deal with the dual fiscal and criminal crises.
Treasury to Comerica: Take Our Money, Please!
Officials handed the bank tens of millions of dollars for a government payment card that left poor and disabled Americans vulnerable to fraud.
Handing Bankers a Win-Win, Eurocrats Authorize Bailouts – and Bail-Ins
The new deal may be illegal under rules of the E.U. Parliament, but it is being rushed through to lock taxpayer and depositor liability into place before the dire state of Eurozone banks is exposed.
Cops Or Soldiers: Why Are Paramilitary SWAT Teams Now Everywhere?
The number of SWAT deployments in small American cities soared even as violent crime fell – driven not by need, but by fear of being left behind by larger security forces.