It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Ripping Off Young America — The College-Loan Scandal
The federal government has made it easier than ever to borrow money for higher education - saddling a generation with crushing debts and inflating a bubble that could bring down the economy
Egypt Plunges Into Violence, Uncertainty As Sectarianism Takes Hold
Coptic Christian sources say violence targeting Egyptian churches, business and homes erupted and numerous churches and buildings were set ablaze by Morsi’s backers, prior to the weekend violence.
Royals and Aristocrats Seek Big Gains From Fracking in Britain
If England's aristocracy and royal family continue to support — and aim to benefit from — fracking, it may be worth focusing more attention on the concentration of land ownership to understand how old money holds the power to frack us all.
The Top 10 American Corporations Profiting From Egypt's Military
For decades, Egypt has been one of the largest recipients of US foreign military aid, receiving everything from F-16s to teargas grenades. So who are the companies reaping the benefits?
Protect Journalists and Whistleblowers: Amend or Repeal the Espionage Act
To treat government employees or contractors who leak classified information to the media in the public interest as foreign spies is a deep stain on our democracy. And it's high time to permanently remove this stain.
Minneapolis Community Declares Foreclosure and Eviction Free Zone
We will no longer be held hostage by the tyranny of the financial institutions that crashed our economy. We have come together as a community to voice our collective demands, and will not move from our homes until they are met.
Battling India's Monsanto Protection Act, Farmers Demand End to GMO
On August 8, thousands of farmers and activists from across 20 Indian states demonstrated in New Delhi against the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill, and demanded an end to GMOs in India.
Defending the Commons: Civil Disobedience as Law Enforcement
The failure of governments to protect the global commons is currently driving the climate protection movement — which is why climate protesters can proudly proclaim that they are upholding the law, not violating it.
The Case for $15 and a Union for Low Wage Workers
It would be a good business decision for McDonald's and all the other leading fast-food chains to announce that they're doubling workers' pay, because those workers make it possible for such restaurants to remain profitable and successful.
Spain's Micro-Utopias: The 15M Movement and its Prototypes, Part 1
In this first of a three-part series, we offer a personal inventory of 15M’s prototypes by talking about processes and innovative actions, from method micro-utopia to urban, communications, feminine and collective culture micro-utopias.