There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Lonely At the Top: Wealth Therapy Tackles Woes Of the "Isolated" Rich
As they stroll through Manhattan's Central Park, the 1% of the 1% unburden themselves about the guilt, secrecy and isolation they feel as the country's super rich.
Historic Victory In Myanmar As Suu Kyi and Democracy Movement Win Landslide Election
In the first free nationwide election in a quarter of a century, the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party conceded defeat as the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and her followers swept to power.
The Digital Dog Ate Our Civil Liberties Homework: “It’s Just the Way It Is”
Of all the excuses ladled out for the Obama administration's shredding of the 4th Amendment while assaulting press freedom and prosecuting whistleblowers, none is more pernicious than the claim that technology is responsible.
Another Money Is Possible, Part III: Holland Leads Experiment In Basic Income
10 to 15 Dutch municipalities are working on plans for a basic income trial – to give money away for free, turning the welfare model on its head – with broad support from major political parties and civil society.
Million Student March On Nov. 12 Calls for Free Tuition and End to Debt
“We’re waking up with empty hands and empty pockets and realizing that we shouldn’t be shackled to debt before we even enter the adult world."
The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab In American History
A mass mobilization will begin the push to block the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a far better investment of our time and energy than engaging in the empty political theater that passes for a presidential campaign.
Here's How to Fix Inequality
If there’s one thing Joseph Stiglitz wants to say about inequality, it’s that it has been a choice, not an unexpected, unfortunate economic outcome – which means that we, as citizens, have a chance to fix the problem.
Hell No, Oil won't Flow! – President Obama Rejects Keystone XL In Historic Climate Win
Killing the pipeline allows Obama to claim aggressive action on the environment, potentially strengthening his hand as world leaders prepare to finalize a major global climate pact.
Paris Prospects: Texas Political Cowboy Leads Latest Anti-Science Attacks
Rep. Lamar Smith proclaims his anti-regulation creed with the power to block 21st century science at its source – by halting funding and the free exchange of ideas.
After "Landmark" IMF Reforms, U.S. Is Still the Group's Unrivaled Economic Power
In an age-old example of national hubris, America's drive to maintain its centrality – and uncontested power – in the global economy may lead to its eventual replacement.