There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Isn't It Time We Called Private Health Care An Act of Terrorism?
Being sick and having nowhere to turn is terrorizing far too many Americans – as medical fraud, huge price markups and pharmaceutical copyright laws are contributing to growing illnesses and early death.
Greece, the Sacrificial Lamb
Having spent the last week in Athens talking to ordinary citizens, young and old, as well as current and past officials, I’ve come to the view that this is about far more than just Greece and the euro.
Corporate Lobbying Costs Hit $380 Million In 9 Months Pushing Pacific Trade Deal
Washington lobbying by companies and groups involved in global trade boomed in the past nine months.
White Officer Pepper-Sprays Crowd At Black Lives Matter Conference In Cleveland
The incident occurred Sunday during protests against the arrest of a 14-year-old.
The Problem With the Fight for $15 – Not Radical Enough
The Oakland-based activist and performer says workers need to look beyond city councils and form a radical new labor movement – through strikes, stoppages and occupations of the workplace.
Oil and Gas Industry Fueling Legislation That Could Rip Apart Endangered Species Act
A spate of bills attached with riders are moving through Congress that would dismantle the historic law by transferring authority from the federal level to the states – inaugurating an era of unrestrained development.
Corporate Tribunals Pose Biggest Hurdle To Europe's Vote On Transatlantic Trade Pact
So much public concern and controversy has been raised over investor-state dispute settlements that the E.U. suspended talks on the rules in order to open a public consultation.
Why White Progressives Must Address Racial Injustice In 2016
The recent Black Lives Matter protest at the Netroots Nation conference was a teachable moment for everyone – forcing progressives to pick a side as they shape next year's electoral agenda.
House of Reps Says States Can't Require GMO Labels On Food
While government officials and the food industry claim GMOs are safe, consumer advocates seeking transparency on labels argue that no one really knows the long-term impacts of genetically modified crops.
Documents Show Feds Regularly Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters Nationwide
The reports confirm social media surveillance of the movement and related events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York – including watching over vigils, parades and other benign gatherings.