The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Japan Builds a Fight For $15 Movement of Its Own
On a recent Sunday afternoon, some 400 protesters — comprised of workers, students and retirees — poured into the streets of Tokyo’s bustling commercial center to demand a living wage, modeled on the U.S. Fight for $15.
The Danger of "Turning Inward": Obama's Foreboding Farewell To Athens and Berlin
Amid a rapidly changing global political climate, Barack Obama's final trip to Europe amounted to little more than a goodwill tour as the U.S. and E.U. embark on a new era in the history of their joint relations.
Divestment Movement Grows to $5 Trillion in Assets
Nearly 690 institutions and 58,400 individuals representing at least $5 trillion in assets have now committed to purging their investments from fossil fuel companies, a new report said.
Why Amazon’s Grip Is Stifling Competition, Eroding Jobs and Threatening Communities
Half of all U.S. households are subscribed to the membership program Amazon Prime, half of all online shopping searches start directly on Amazon, and Amazon captures nearly one in every two dollars that Americans spend online.
A New Take on Unrigging Our Taxes
Our super rich have their own personal trainers, chefs, and pilots. Maybe we should give them their own personal tax collectors.
The Death of Dignity In Working Class America
Listen, "it's not personal, it's business." You are a commodity. You assist in the production of a product that is not solely your own. So here are your options: Take less, surf the changes or step aside.
As Trump Comes Into Focus, So Do Our Tasks
The potential for people working together in solidarity will grow and the long-term impact of the Trump era could be a mass movement that will change the political culture in the United States.
UK Fracking Giant Fails to Imprison Grandmother
Tina Rothery, a resident of Blackpool and organizer with The Nanas, was met by a jubilant crowd of hundreds outside Preston Court on Friday when the verdict of her freedom was announced.
Historic CEO Pay Tax Passes in Portland
In a 3-1 vote, the city council agreed to add a surtax on the city’s existing business license tax for firms that pay their CEOs more than 100 times what their typical worker receives.
#DisruptJ20 Calls For Bold Mobilization Against Trump Inauguration on January 20th
It must be made clear to the world that the vast majority of people in the United States do not support Trump's presidency or consent to his rule.