The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
‘Onslaught of Outrage’: Resistance and Activism Reawaken in Trump Era
Two years since his inauguration, millions of Americans have built on recent movements such as Black Lives Matter and Fight for $15 to rally, march and strike against the president.
Recycling Is Not Enough. Zero-Packaging Stores Show We Can Kick Our Plastic Addiction
Can we dispose with our disposable mentality by doing something to cut down on all the packaging of our food and beverages? Some places like Australia are showing us how.
Capitalist-style Wealth Gap: 1 Tech Guy = 1,000,000 Teachers
There are over 4 million preschool, primary, secondary and special education teachers in America, who average $57,000 in salary; the richest 6 American tech leaders average $80 billion each.
Food Aid In Jeopardy Nationwide Due to Government Shutdown
SNAP funding for 38 million Americans is fully covered by the federal government, but individual states are responsible for administering the program – and many may not be able through February.
26 Billionaires Own The Same Wealth As The Poorest 3.8 Billion People
A new economic system is needed to tackle rampant inequality that saw the wealth of billionaires increase by $900 billion in the last year, or $2.5 billion a day, says a new Oxfam report.
Majority of Americans Support a 70% Tax Rate for Mega-Rich
So much for a “radical” idea: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal to raise America’s highest tax rate to 70 percent seems to be popular with a solid majority of Americans.
"Quite A Radical Policy": Manchester Bans Fracking In Victory for U.K. Activists
In a move that could have repercussions on the fracking industry nationwide, Manchester in northwest England has announced that it is effectively banning the practice.
India's Dam-Building Boom Fuels Water Wars Between Pakistan and Afghanistan
As India finances a series of dams along the Kabul River, aiding its neighbor Afghanistan, Pakistan considers the move part of an Indian conspiracy against the increasingly water- and food-stressed nation.
Judge Rules Against Trump Administration's Citizenship Question on 2020 Census
U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman found that Commerce Sec. Wilbur Ross committed "egregious" violations of the Administrative Procedures Act by adding the citizenship question on the 2020 census.
Uniting for a Green New Deal
The Green New Deal provides an opportunity for transformational changes, not just reform, but changes that fundamentally solve the crises we face at all levels, in our towns and cities, states and nationally.