There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
U.S. Police Departments are Increasingly Militarized
An ACLU report cites soaring use of war zone equipment and tactics in American cities.
Ex-CIA Spy and Marine Corps Leader Calls for Open-Source Revolution
Robert David Steele, co-founder of the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, is a man on a mission that frightens the U.S. intelligence establishment to its core.
Get Off the Bench and On to the Playing Field: A Guide to Professional Activism
How to fight for social and political change – and get paid in the process.
The Epicurean Way: Rediscovering The Good and Meaningful Life Through Work
Autarchy requires an entrepreneurial spirit as well as an accurate understanding of the measure of our true needs versus wants so that we can live free from money worries.
Buying Up the Planet: Out-of-Control Central Banks Are On a Corporate Spending Spree
As a way of compensating for loss of bond income due to record-low interest rates, central banks have become some of the world’s largest stock investors – a rather alarming development.
Weekend Anti-Austerity March In London Draws 50,000
"This will be a peaceful, effortless, joyful revolution and I'm very grateful to be involved in the People's Assembly," comedian and protest organizer Russell Brand told the crowd.
Scholar Behind Viral "Oligarchy" Study Tells Us What It Means
Contrary to what decades of political science research might lead you to believe, ordinary U.S. citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does.
Recent Crimes of the FBI: Who Is Watching the Watchers?
Is the FBI the kind of government institution we want to keep funding with our taxes – and are its actions acceptable to a public that's been made to look and feel ever more like the enemy, rather than the protected?
The 50 Companies That Rule the 50 States
This map, designed by telecommunications firm Broadview Networks, reveals the largest companies in each U.S. state based on revenue.
Repressing World Cup Protests Is Booming Business for Brazilian Corporation
Rio-based company Condor Nonlethal Technologies is swimming in profit after a $22-million contract providing tear gas, rubber bullets, Tasers, and light and sound grenades to police and private security forces.